Alicia Reymond

& Art text, Fiction
Vieilles coques et jeunes récifs
Frac Ile-de-France, 2024

Fiction text co-written with Céline Poulin, director of Frac Ile-de-France (Paris) for the exhibition Vieilles coques et jeunes récifs that we curated together

& Art text, Fiction
Paint the town red
Espace Indiana (Vevey), 2023

Fiction text written in relation to the work and exhibition Paint the town red of artist Marilou Bal

& autotheory
Mange ta langue
The Master's clock, 2024

Text intertwining reflections on time, genealogy and vernacular cultures

& autotheory
PW Magazine, 2023

Text intertwining dream extracts, ever-changing reflections on aliveness and quotations by Nuar Alsadir, Ursula K. Le Guin and William Stafford

& Fiction
Night Guests
Les Gardiennes, ed. Lisa Klosterkötter and Alicia Reymond, 2023

Tale drawing on the work of Leonor Fini in connection to contributions by contemporary artists to the exhibition Les Gardiennes

& Art review
Enchanted fallout
Bourses déliées 2022 (Geneva)

Text written on the work of artist Jacopo Belloni

& autotheory
Bearing Wor(l)ds
Klima magazine, 2021

Text on the magic and power of words, bringing the voices of David Abram, Ursula K. Le Guin & artists featured in the poetry compendium  Spells: 21st-Century Occult Poetry

& Art & Theory
Embodied Curating and Questions of Narrative
Brand-New-Life magazine, 2021

Reflections on Autotheory & Autofiction as ways In and Through the Work – co-written with Lauren Fournier

& Art & Theory
The way you bite : hacking modes of perception through play
Temple magazine, 2021

Text drawing on ‘neo-tarantism’, and looking at play as a tool for rewriting rules, hacking modes of perception and re-imagining social structures – co-written with Tamara Hart

& Art review
Conversation between Rebecca Ackroyd and Alicia Reymond
Temple Magazine, 2021